Welcome to our team, David!

Harbur Cloud Solutions
2 min readFeb 20, 2019


We want to introduce you to David, who recently joined Harbur’s team as a Cloud Native Engineer!

Tell us about yourself

I’m David. The computer science was my first hobby when I was a child. I started with a pentium one which I broke and I used to fix it all time. Today I have another interests like sports, nature, and all related to don’t be sedentary.

Also, I like so much to spend time with my family and friends doing lunch meetings, BBQ and playing some activities.

I’m from “Les Roquetes” a town beside Sitges(Barcelona) there the people know me with the alias (Pachas). I’ve always lived in this town, but since 1 year ago I moved to “El Prat DeLlobregat” to be more close from Barcelona.

I finished my studies with 21 years old, and worked as a systems administrator. Two years ago I discovered the DevOps world and I want to be a part of that.

What is your current position at Harbur?

I’m a Cloud Native Engineer. This position starts to become more important in the IT world, since all big companies start to migrate their environments to the cloud. This is because all is more accessible, scalable, less management from the admin tasks(create vm,configure S.O….), adaptable to do rolling updates more easy and so on.

I like this new concept because I hate the typically tasks where you need to help in a bigdeployment of the business code, which all people need to be involved, re-construct new machines because some hardware component broke, and some other manual tasks. For this kind of things I prefer to work like a Cloud Native Engineer.

Three things that characterize you:

  • I think one of my best strengths is my capacity to understand all things from the technician world in a quickly way. This is because I was with a computer since I have conscience.
  • The second one is my strongest aptitude to don’t leave a task per impossible with the first issues. I think the “willpower” is the most important aptitude from the persons since all your dreams can be accomplished thanks to that.
  • The third one is my capacity to be usually calmed. I mean, I don’t usually get stressed easily with the normal tasks.

What do you like the most of being a programmer?

I love to create the logic of the algorithms because is similar to resolve the mathematics or physics problems which was my favourites subjects in the school.

Also, how I had seen some chaotic and strange code in the past, I like to have all code commented line by line if is necessary to become it more understanding for the other people.

